Dathan Watts


Dathan Watts, a.k.a. I.M. iNcredible, is a VIP (Vibration Information Provider) analyst and the founder of iNsight Empowerment Organization. NEO focuses on spiritual development and personal achievement as a lifestyle approach. He teaches that you are perfect or complete the way you are, and that we are all geniuses in our own right. However, many have been put to sleep and their energy dumbed down. He shows that we must build ourselves upon solid pillars of universal law, and must begin from the iNside out if we are to achieve growth. To see the light of how you really are, you need iNsight.


This is an experience like no other. It’s not about hyping you into a frenzied level of unrealistic motivation; it’s a lifelong methodical process of defining yourself from basic to complex levels. It’s about creating lasting and meaningful change towards who YOU want you to be.


Anything worth doing is worth doing slowly” –Mae West